For Forbes Magazine
I shot this photo for Forbes Magazine on a Friday night down on Congress Street. Part of the story is about Police departments using License Plate Scanners in Patrol cars which photograph every car on the street, everywhere the Patrol car goes. We were just shooting on Congress Street with traffic flowing by and this police car came by and I flashed just at the exact right time. This guy who lives in California retrieved the photos of his car that the police had taken to reveal shots of his children playing in his front yard. They still never got my credit corrected on the photo!!!
Noam Chomsky Having a Conversation with a Red Leather Chair March 15th 2015
Noam Chomsky came to Tucson to speak at the University of Arizona Centennial Hall as part of the Tucson Festival of Books. Sponsored by the Nation Magazine and UA College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The talk was great and I had a good position to shoot the stage from my place in the audience. Although one persons head in the crowd stuck up in the photo blocking the part of the carpet and chair. So when the performance was over I made sure I shot a photo of the empty chair and carpet so I would have the file I could use to fix the others. When I started fixing the file I realized I could put the empty red leather chair from Copenhagen in place of interviewer John Nichols, there by making it look like Noam is having a conversation with an empty chair.
I like it! Its a conceptual image of a brilliant guy, which could be used in a multitude of different stories about how Chomsky thinks.
A.T. Willett Photographer Located close to downtown Tucson and the University of Arizona 1320 E 16th Street, Tucson Arizona 85719